
Showing posts from August, 2017

This Is My Life

To be honest, it would be safer to blog that I am totally okay and fully adjusted back to American life. I mean, I was only gone for 19 days and it's been 2.5 months since I got back. To be honest, I am realizing that it is much more brave to be real about the fact that my life is not perfect and that the "transition" back to America is just as incomplete and confusing today as it was on June 3rd (the day I got back). I am finally used to using flushable toilets and having running water, but some days I wish I wasn't. I am back "on the grid" but sometimes I wish I was without electricity again. I'm used to showering in an enclosed space without the presence of goats and frogs and lizards, but sometimes I miss it. I've gotten used to being around my Fargo people again, but my heart still yearns for conversations with my Zam Fam. My eyes have adjusted to the flat land of NoDak, but I long for days where I can look across the African grass and see