This Is Zambia

There's a place where you can find mountains and waterfalls and grass fields and dirt roads and palm trees. Where chickens and goats roam the streets and seeing a cow isn't a big deal. A place where the roads consist of more potholes than actual road and driving over grass isn't weird. Where the clouds get dark but they will not rain for several months of the year.

There's a place where agendas don't exist and time is based on when the sun rises and when it sets. Where those sunrises and sunsets are peaceful and bold and wild all at the same time. A place where everybody is family, and calling one another "brother" "sister" "uncle" or "auntie" is normal. A place where homes are open and hearts are expectant. A place where nightly bonfires occur and eating with your hands is more than acceptable. In this place, time slows down and life is simple.

This is a place with a lack of materialism and an abundance of joy. This is also a place where there is evil and witchcraft and generations of hurt. This is where it takes an hour and a half to get somewhere that would normally take 20 minutes in the US. A place where there usually isn't electricity or running water. In this place, there is a depth to life that is not easily found elsewhere. There is a place where you can see the Milky Way as clear as day when you look up into the night sky. A place where kids laughter can always be heard and God's beauty can always be seen.

There's a place where God is moving in ways so big that my mind can't fully comprehend. Where He is also working in ways so small that you might just miss it if you fail to slow down. This is a place that has taken more than a piece of my heart, it has impacted my soul. A place that I just know I will return to someday.

There is a place exactly like this, and yet so much more. This is Zambia.


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