This Is My Team

What do you get when you put 7 hooligans together in the bush of Zambia for 19 days? You get a group I am so proud to call my team and my newest friends, also known as the Zam Fam. Words can't fully express how much my team means to me and what a blessing they were for our time in Zambia, and for the days, months, and years to come as we stay connected.

All 7 of us represent and come from 7 different hometowns in 5 different states (California, Minnesota/North Dakota, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Maryland)...yet we found ourselves boarding the same flights to New York, South Africa, and Zambia. (CORE team, I didn't leave you out or forget you, I promise. You'll be in another post)

For the sake of stories and posts that are to come in the future, I think it is important for you all to get to know the wonderful people I spent the beginning of my summer with. So, it's time for introductions!

Just an average day with the
girls of the team. From L to R: 

Kelsi, Aubrey, Lauren, me.
Aubrey AKA "Aubs": one of the sweetest, most tender-hearted girls you will ever meet, but watch out because she can be feisty at times. She has a HUGE heart for children, especially those with special needs. Aubrey has known for a while that she wants to live in a foreign country and do missions, but this was her first time out of the US! She is open to wherever God leads her next and was totally in her element in Zam.

Kyle AKA "kyle, kyle, kyle, kyle, kyle": pretty much the only one who has a name that the village kids could pronounce. A crowd favorite among children, villagers, and pretty much anyone at anytime. Kyle has a passion for knowing God's word, he would read us chapters of the Bible every night around the fire, whether we wanted him to or not. He also got really good at praying for others and hearing God's voice and following it while on this trip.

Kelsi AKA: Cali-girl who pretty much belongs in the mountains and not in the city. She was sort of a "last minute" teammate but all the doors opened so quickly and easily that she knew God had her there for a reason. We found out that reason on one of our last days in the village (you'll read about it eventually). Kelsi is spunky and fun and definitely not afraid to crack a joke or do something weird. She's vulnerable and real and overall a gem.

Our whole team + the CORE 4: Danny, Kyle,
myself, Kelsi, Christine, Daddi, Lauren,
Ashlyn, Dave, Dylan, Aubrey, Macie
Danny AKA "D Money": he's still looking for the business opportunity of a lifetime, so if you know of any, let him know. On a serious note, Danny is pretty quiet but level-headed and well-rounded. He knows how the Holy-Spirit works and is always eager to see what God will do next. Throughout our whole time there, Danny had an expectant heart, and not just expectant for God to move, but expectant for miracles to happen. And they did.

Lauren AKA "Chelsea": commonly known as the team diva as a joke, even though she isn't a diva. Lauren was the baby of the team and turned 19 while we were in Zam! She's a picky eater but not a picky friend. She will befriend and get to know anyone, regardless of if they speak the same language or not. Lauren has been on 7 (I think) mission trips since she was in middle school and truly has a call for missions. She is a feeler and isn't afraid to cry or express what she feels, because that's what God gave her and she uses it to glorify Him!

Dylan AKA "Villian" "Phil" and "Kyle": the adventurous, fearless one. I'd say that of all the people on our team, Dylan was the most outgoing and willing to try sitting in waterfalls, getting cornrows, or doing anything that was asked of him during the game "what are the odds". He loves getting to know people and is very intentional in his conversations. He's a processor and truly soaks in everything that God does.

There is so much more to say about each and every one of my teammates, and I'm not even sure if those descriptions are the best. But, all you really need to know is that these are 6 other college students, seeking Jesus, loving others, stepping out in boldness, and following God's voice. All you really need to know is that God used each of them in unique ways and deposited different things into all of their hearts so that our team could be the strongest for Him. All you really need to know is that I wouldn't have wanted to do Zambia and life with any other 6 strangers-turned-friends than these guys. This is my team.


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