
Showing posts from May, 2017

And We're (almost) Off

...well not quite yet, but very very close. I knew 3 months would go by fast and that this day would sneak up on me before I had time to blink. And it has. My first flight is tomorrow and first I stop in New York. Our team will meet in New York and we will all fly to South Africa the next morning. From there, one last flight to Zambia and it all begins. I'm currently taking a break from trying to figure out how to pack all of my stuff in a carry-on. As I sit on my bedroom floor, looking at the clothes, ministry supplies, and other items I am taking with me I can't help but think about how God made each and every person and thing to be a blessing to someone. I look at each item not as a material thing that I am bringing for my own satisfaction (although, I do think clothes are important to have) but as things that God will use to bless the people of Zambia and to bear fruit. I see my Bible and know that that is the most important thing I am packing. Without it, I wouldn&